Using Safari Browser Online for Cross-Browser Testing: Tools and Techniques

The best tool for testing a website’s responsiveness is a browser emulator. An emulator for Safari, for example, seeks to replicate Safari. Emulators assist in achieving the precise appearance and feel of a real Safari browser when a web page is opened on them. To simulate the Safari browser online, you must use an emulator, a virtual machine, or a cross-browser testing tool. This aids in determining whether a website is performing up to par.

The Significance of Testing Across Browsers

Cross-browser testing is the process of verifying that an online application works as intended across a number of web browsers. This ensures that regardless of the browser a user chooses, they will always have a consistent and functional experience. Given that Safari is the browser of choice for Apple products, its high market share is unavoidable. Testing for Safari is required in order to:

  • Improve User Experience: Users are more likely to trust and be satisfied when they have a consistent experience across all browsers.
  • Recognise Browser-Specific Problems: Web code is interpreted differently by different browsers. Testing aids in locating and resolving problems specific to Safari.
  • Maintain Your Competitive Edge: In a crowded industry, providing a consistent experience across all browsers

Difficulties with Windows Safari Testing

Because Safari was primarily created for macOS and iOS, testing it on other operating systems, such as Windows or Linux, might be difficult. Typical difficulties include the following:

  • Absence of Native Support: Direct testing is challenging because Safari is not accessible on Windows natively.
  • Restricted Testing Environments: Generally, in order to access Safari on non-Apple devices, workarounds must be made, which can be difficult and time-consuming.
  • Resource Restrictions: A macOS environment on a device that isn’t made by Apple may need a substantial amount of resources and technical know-how to set up.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, testing Safari on Windows and other non-Apple devices can be made easier using a variety of tools and methods.

What is a Safari Emulator?

Safari Emulator mimics the actions of the desktop or laptop Safari browser. It helps developers and quality assurance personnel optimize their web applications for the Safari browser at different phases of software development.

Why You Should Use Safari Emulators:

  • Market Share Importance: It is critical to guarantee compatibility and best performance for Safari users, considering the sizable user base of the browser. By using Safari emulators for testing, quality assurance personnel may better detect and fix any problems unique to this browser, which benefits a large segment of the user base.
  • Accessibility: Without needing actual access to Apple devices, Safari emulators offer a practical means of testing online applications. For quality assurance personnel who might not have access to the required hardware, this is especially helpful.
  • Economical: Emulators mimic the functionality of Safari browsers, making extensive testing possible without incurring the costs associated with purchasing and caring for several devices.

Optimizing Safari Browser Automation: Essential Strategies for Success

Refine Test Scripts

Effective Selenium test scripts are essential for reducing resource use and increasing output. To expedite test execution, this means optimizing selectors, cutting down on pointless wait times, and leveraging browser-specific features. By reducing overhead, the integration of lightweight testing frameworks and libraries improves efficiency even more. This makes it simple to expand browser automation testing programmes.

Embrace Headless Mode

By eliminating the need for a graphical user interface, browser automation tests may be conducted in Safari headless mode, which saves resources and speeds up test execution. Headless mode is particularly beneficial for continuous integration environments where resource efficiency and speed are crucial.

Implement Parallel Execution

Parallel execution optimizes system resource use by executing many browser automation tests concurrently. Teams can significantly decrease test execution time and boost productivity by spreading tests across numerozs Safari instances or nodes.

Tools like LambdaTest offer AI-powered test execution platforms, simplifying browser compatibility testing by providing access to over 3000 real devices and browsers. This allows for parallel testing, helping identify and resolve browser-related issues effectively, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience on your website.

With LambdaTest, you can run tests on Safari for Windows as well.

Monitor and Analyze Performance

The performance of automated tests for the Safari browser can be closely monitored by implementing analytics and performance monitoring tools. Regular analysis helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, ensuring that the tests run efficiently and accurately reflect the user experience.

Keep Up with Safari Releases

It’s essential to stay up to speed on the most recent Safari releases, features, and upgrades in order to preserve compatibility and maximize efficiency. Teams are certain to benefit from the most recent improvements and bug patches released by Apple thanks to timely upgrades of browser automation frameworks, drivers, and dependencies. By being proactive, possible problems brought on by recently released updates or deprecated functionality are avoided.

Encourage cooperation between teams

Improving the automation performance of the Safari browser requires developers, QA engineers, and automation testers to work together. By creating a space where people can exchange ideas, best practices, and optimization techniques, teams may increase the efficiency of the Safari browser automation process and produce better testing results.

How to Use Safari’s Developer Tools Interface

A comprehensive feature set is available in Safari’s developer tools interface to investigate and debug web pages. Let’s examine the main panels and features that comprise this potent toolkit:

Panel of Elements

The Document Object Model (DOM) tree and the CSS styles linked to the loaded webpage can be thoroughly inspected and modified using the Elements panel.

Examine and Modify HTML Elements and Properties:

Change your webpage’s HTML structure directly.

Find Accessibility Issues:

Make sure your webpage is accessible to all people by using the built-in features.

For making minor adjustments to designs, addressing stylistic problems, and learning more about the DOM structure, the Elements panel is quite helpful.

Sources Panel

Key functionalities include:

  • Pausing Code Execution: Step through scripts to understand their behavior.
  • Setting Breakpoints: Interrupt code execution at specific points to inspect variables and function calls.
  • Editing JavaScript Code in Real-Time: Make on-the-fly changes to debug issues.
  • Profiling Memory Usage and CPU Activity: Analyze performance metrics to identify and resolve inefficiencies.

Timelines Panel

The Timelines panel displays a variety of events that take place throughout the loading and operation of a webpage.  These include:

  • Resource Loading
  • Style Calculations
  • Layout Changes
  • Script Activity
  • Rendering Frames

Timeline analysis aids in identifying resource-intensive processes that might be the root of performance problems.

Panel for the Console

The page’s JavaScript code logs, including runtime faults, logging statements, and network request statuses, are displayed in the Console window. This makes it easier to find and troubleshoot different front-end problems.

Panel for Storage

  • Cookies, local storage, and session storage are just a few of the browser storage mechanisms that may be inspected and changed using the Storage panel.
  • Inspecting and Modifying HTML and CSS

Editing HTML:

To modify HTML elements:

In the Elements panel, double-click the text or tag.

To save changes, make any necessary edits to the HTML and hit Enter.

Changing CSS Styles:

To modify the CSS styles:

  • Click on the element’s name in the DOM tree.

Changing HTML:

To modify an HTML element:

  • Right-click and choose “Edit as HTML.”
  • Make any necessary updates to the HTML and press Enter to save the changes.

Changing CSS Styles:

To modify the CSS styles:

  • On the web page or in the Elements panel, click the element.
  • Find the chosen style in the Styles area on the right.
  • Make adjustments by clicking in the value box and then hitting Enter.

Examining Page Setups

Examine the webpage’s layout and structure using the Elements panel. Play around with CSS styles to see how they affect the layout of pages. Locating layout problems is aided by the Layout pane.

JavaScript Debugging

Step through scripts by pausing code execution using the Sources panel. Analyze variables and events, and make dynamic code modifications. Determine which regions are using too much memory or performing slowly.

Examining Network Performance

Every aspect of page loading is shown in the Network panel. Locate and fix resources that load slowly. Analyze request specifics to improve network efficiency.

Diagnosing Rendering Issues

The Timelines panel visualizes webpage loading and execution events. Determine the cause of the choppy or slow rendering and take appropriate action. To find areas that need work, keep track of encounters.

Testing Responsiveness

Examine the webpage’s responsiveness to varying screen sizes. Make that buttons, links, text, and images all function as they should.

Advanced Methods for Debugging

Use Safari’s Web Inspector to access more sophisticated debugging features:

Debugger’s Declaration

To pause the execution of JavaScript at particular locations, use the debugger statement. Examine events, variables, and the behavior of the code.

Examine the Console Logs

Use console.log() commands.

Use message type filtering to streamline debugging.

Filtering of Network Traffic

Sort network requests according to their size, duration, origin, and type. Pay attention to certain demands for in-depth investigation.

Extensive Timeline Evaluation

Analyze timelines to see when pages load and actions are performed. Analyze performance data, filter by event categories, and zoom in on certain actions. Determine which areas are causing slow performance and optimize them.

Gaining proficiency with these tools and methods enables web developers to create stunning, fast, and responsive websites with Safari.

Simulating Devices and Screen Sizes in Safari

With Safari, you can easily see how your website will look on different screens and devices right from your computer. This feature is quite helpful in guaranteeing the best possible presentation on various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and phones.

Enabling Responsive Design Mode

To utilize this feature:

Go to Develop > Responsive Design Mode after opening Safari.

Options for various devices and screen sizes will show up in a toolbar.

Selecting Emulation Options

Within Responsive Design Mode, you can:

  • Experiment with portrait and landscape orientations.
  • Evaluate touch input functionality.

Customizing Sizing

Additionally, you can manually change the size of the page by moving the window’s edges or entering exact measurements.

Testing Responsiveness

As you modify sizes, ensure that:

  • Images and videos are appropriately sized and aligned.
  • Text remains legible, and navigation is user-friendly.
  • The scrolling functionality behaves as expected.

Integration with Developer Tools

Easily integrating with other Safari capabilities, such as the Web Inspector, is Responsive Design Mode. This allows for multitasking, including:

  • Inspecting and modifying website code.
  • Identifying and resolving JavaScript issues.
  • Assessing website performance metrics.
  • Addressing display inconsistencies.

Achieving Consistency

Throughout the development phase, test your website frequently on various screens to maintain consistency and guarantee top performance across devices. This proactive approach aids in quickly locating and fixing any display or functionality problems.


For ongoing optimisation and development, monitoring performance indicators, staying current with Safari updates, and utilizing cloud-based testing systems like LambdaTest are essential tactics. Businesses can improve quality assurance, expand test coverage, and expedite test execution for web apps across all Safari platforms by putting these strategies into practice.