7 Ways to Become More Productive When Working from Home

Many Australians favour working from home for time savings and flexibility. It is not without its problems however, that poses a serious obstacle to productivity.

So, here are the seven most effective ways to ensure your productivity is as high as possible when working from home.

1.   Create a Dedicated Workspace

Always make sure to have a clearly marked-out work area. This acts as a trigger for your mind to engage at work and boosts concentration. Consider investing in Humpy Co’s office pods in Melbourne, which will give you a quiet and professional environment, set apart from home, where inevitably there are no distractions. Having a well-marked workspace dramatically increases your efficiency and focus levels.

2.   Set Clear Boundaries

Also, working from home sometimes blurs the lines between work and personal life. Deal with your folks or housemates so that there are minimal interruptions. Make it clear to your housemates when you’re not available, and also stick to these hours. It helps to keep a professional mindset and avoid burnout.

3.   Establish a Routine

A daily routine will help you improve your productivity. Start your day by getting out of bed at the same time you usually would, dress like you were going to work, and take short, regular breaks. This will help maintain discipline and keep you on track. Further, a routine can reduce decision fatigue and free up your mind for more important tasks.

4.    Prioritise Tasks Using the Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle asserts that 20% of effort provides 80% of results. Identify the tasks producing the highest consequence and start working on them. Working on high-impact activities allows you to achieve a lot more in so little time, thereby increasing productivity.

5.   Leverage Technology Wisely

Try to get productivity tools and apps that keep you engaged and help you deliver work productively. Tools like Trello for meetings and Zoom for whatever you must do will ensure you don’t fall behind. Just beware of digital overload, though. These things will increase your productivity.

6.   Practise Deep Work

Deep work is focused work on complex tasks without distractions. Schedule most of your time with specific blocks for deep work, ensuring no emails or social media disrupt your focus. This can significantly assist in dealing with challenging projects regarding quality of work and delivery time.

7.   Take Regular Breaks

Regular breaks are also important for being fresh all the time and not feeling tired. Your workday should have 25-minute focus sessions with 5-minute breaks (as per the Pomodoro technique). This boosts daytime focus and alertness. Don’t forget that breaks are not a luxury but a must for consistent productivity at work.

While there are many benefits to working from home, productivity takes a bit of discipline and planning. Productivity can be obtained while working from home if, when planning and outlining, consideration is given to setting up an exclusive workspace and proper routines, task prioritisation is learned, one stays connected through technology and deep non-distraction work with regular micro-breaks is practised.